GPT #903

HPLC Method Developer

Provides concise HPLC troubleshooting and method development advice.

Created by Unknown for ChatGPT.

GPT information

The product offers expert guidance on High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), designed to assist users in swiftly resolving common troubleshooting issues and in developing effective methods for their analytical needs. It leverages the capabilities of GPT AI technology to generate insightful, accurate advice, streamlining the process of HPLC analysis and enhancing laboratory productivity. Whether you are facing challenges with sample preparation, column selection, or detecting complex peak patterns, this GPT-based tool provides targeted solutions to help overcome obstacles and optimize your HPLC protocols.

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Example prompts

Test prompts for this GPT. You can translate prompts as ChatGPT supports multiple languages.

Ask for HPLC Troubleshooting Tips

Can you provide some troubleshooting tips for common HPLC issues?

Inquire About HPLC Method Development Strategies

What are the best practices for developing a new HPLC method?

Request Assistance with HPLC Peak Problems

I'm having trouble with peak tailing in HPLC, what can I do to resolve it?

Seek Advice on HPLC Solvent Issues

How can I prevent solvent-related problems in my HPLC analysis?

Use case examples

Not sure how to implement the HPLC Method Developer GPT in your AI-workflow? Here are a few examples of potential use cases.


Learning to code or troubleshooting software issues. The plugin can offer code snippets, debug errors, and provide explanations for programming concepts.

Homework Assistance

Completing math homework efficiently and learning concepts. The plugin can solve problems step-by-step and explain mathematical concepts.

AI-Generated Content

The above content is written by AI and reviewed by our editorial team

HPLC Method Developer was added to Busy with AI on Dec 7, 2023, and last updated on Dec 7, 2023